Back To School + A Special Announcement!

Helping Bereaved Children Return to School

by Sherry R Schachter, PhD, R, FT, President, NWO
Published in the Geisinger Health Plan publication, Silver Circle, September 2023 Edition

Fall brings anticipation for children starting school. Some children may be excited to see their school friends and teachers they have missed, for others it, may be the anticipation of meeting new children. They may have mixed feelings. However, for children who may have recently lost a parent (or other significant person), the start of school can cause anxiety and apprehension. If the child is young, they may be concerned about who is going to take them to school or be there when they come home.  click to read more 

Author AJ Coleman joins the National Widowers' Organization Board of Directors

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Alan J. (AJ) Coleman, MBA, CAMS, CFE, to the Board of Directors. Dr. Sherry Schachter, Vice-chair of the NWO says “I am so pleased that AJ joined our Board. He brings new and insightful experiences to us as we move to help bereaved men deal with raising children after the loss of their spouse while facing many challenges due to the profound, life-changing impact. His experience and capabilities will help us address these needs.”

AJ lost his wife when their daughter was sixteen months old. The experience led him to author, "Keep Those Feet Moving" a book with his story of loss. It provides widowers with an 8-step guide to coping with grief and thriving against all odds.

About the new position on The National Widowers’ Organization Board of Directors, AJ commented, “I am humbled and gracious to join the National Widower’s Organization. Although men in grief tend not to share their thoughts and feelings, there is a tremendous opportunity to bridge that gap. As a board member, I look forward to sharing new grief perspectives to help those cope and overcome grief. While loved ones may have physically departed from us, they are always with us, you just have to learn to look for their signs.”  click to learn more

Help and support is available at the National Widowers’ Organization and The Men's Grief Network.
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